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    Trina Solar recently showcased its newest, most advanced products and solutions in Australia at Smart Energy Conference & Expo in Sydney (4-5 May 2022) and Large-Scale Solar Forum in Brisbane (19 May 2022).

    One of the stars at the events was the industry’s only truly integrated power plant solution: Trina Solar’s combined module and tracker package. This package pairs Trina Solar’s ultra-high power photovoltaic (PV) modules and high-performance solar trackers from TrinaTracker, a leading solar tracker brand under Trina Solar. The innovative modules and trackers were showcased at the events.

    Modules on display included the 400W+ Vertex S all-black module, 425W Vertex S+ module, and the 560W+ and 670W+ Vertex bifacial modules. They are all part of Trina Solar’s 210 module family, which is recognized by Fraunhofer ISE, the world’s leading applied research third-party organization, for their CAPEX and LCOE advantages in comparison to 166mm- and 182mm-based modules.

    Trina Solar’s Vertex S+, the very first 425W module in Australia that comes with double-glass, showcased at Smart Energy Conference & Expo in Sydney, Australia

    Thanks to these advantages, the 210 Vertex series quickly became the module of choice among Australian customers. In 2021, Trina Solar was listed as Australia’s number one brand of solar module in terms of market share, according to independent Australian market research company Sunwiz.  

    The 210 Vertex 670W+ module in particular is gaining popularity for utility-scale projects because of its added LCOE and cost advantages when paired with trackers. A study by Black&Veatch, a global independent services provider to solar projects, found that Trina Solar’s 670W+ Vertex bifacial modules offered the lowest BOS and LCOE compared to similar 166mm- and 182mm-based modules when paired with a tracker.

    Trina Solar also showcased the intelligent trackers from TrinaTracker at these events. Trackers on display include Vanguard 1P, a single row tracker with one-in-portrait configuration (1P) and Vanguard 2P, a single-row, multi-drive tracker with two-in-portrait configuration (2P).

    TrinaTracker showcased at Large-Scale Solar Forum in Brisbane, Australia

    Designed to maximize their reliability and stability, Trina Tracker’s Vanguard series is a perfect match for challenging sites with irregular layout, undulated terrain, and high wind. The single-row Vanguard 1P tracker comes with a bilateral damper system that improves the tracking system's resistance to wind gusts from all directions by 20%, while Vanguard 2P provides enhanced stability and resilience with its innovative multiple drive system.

    Their design was also optimized to maximize energy yield, lower operation and maintenance costs, and ensure full application across all scenarios. TrinaTracker's smart solar trackers come with enhanced tracking algorithms utilising artificial intelligence. Also known as SuperTrack, this innovative smart control system has been found to increase energy production by up to 3% to 8% compared with the conventional tracking algorithms. Its benefits are especially enhanced during periods of overcast weather and highly diffuse irradiance and complex, uneven terrains.

    These innovative trackers are also paired with Trina Smart Cloud, a new-generation smart visualized monitoring and control system, which enables the innovative solar trackers to perform system monitoring, early warning, smart diagnosis, and troubleshooting facilitating cost reduction and increase in energy output.

    TrinaTracker showcased at Smart Energy Conference & Expo in Sydney, Australia

    Trina Solar is unique because it is the only solar module manufacturer in the industry that also provides a truly integrative solution of smart trackers specifically engineered to accommodate large format modules with power outputs ranging from 400W+ to 670W+.

    As a pioneer of the new, larger format bifacial modules, Trina Solar had an advantage over other tracker manufacturers. “We had a head-start on our tracker competitors when it came to wind-tunnel verification and performing the necessary due diligence to integrate smart trackers with the new, larger solar panels in a cost optimised manner,” says Andrew Gilhooly, Head of TrinaTracker and Utility Solution Sales for Trina Solar in Asia Pacific. “We deeply understand the engineering complexities of integrating these large modules onto our trackers in both a structurally and economically adequate fashion.”

    TrinaTracker also differentiates ourselves in the market in other ways, says Gilhooly. “We provide high-value design services that includes pre-sales engineering support and support during project execution. We have all the possible design configurations for TrinaTracker embedded in our design platform, so we can do the site optimization and evaluation very quickly to compress the pre-sales phase of our customers’ projects and enable them to respond to more tenders and opportunities in a more productive manner.”

    “Moreover, TrinaTracker is internationally certified and, for the Australian market, we will also be incorporating Australian steel into our product,” adds Gilhooly.

    Want to see our innovative solar modules and trackers in-person? Keep up-to-date with our latest events by following us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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